Kitchen Planner Website Redesign

We had been working with CasaLife for some time assisting with digital marketing, email marketing and design. After some time, we decided that their website needed modernising. For the redesign, we used a modern and easy to maintain WordPress theme, replacing the cumbersome and dated custom theme used on the old website. The result is an easy-to-maintain modern look, saving CasaLife expensive bills every time minor amendments to the site needed to be made.

We built the website on a staging platform on our host, then migrated it to their domain after everything was approved, backing up the old website and transferring the built up SEO work over to the new site. 


Website redesign



What We Did

Web Design, Staging, Migration, WordPress, SEO

New site (desktop)

New site (desktop)

Old site (desktop)

Old site (desktop)

New site (mobile)